by Hima Voore | Oct 10, 2023 | Accessible Bathrooms, Bathrooms for Disabled, Elderly Bathrooms, Specialist Adaptations
An accessible bathroom is a space designed to accommodate the unique needs of individuals with mobility challenges, disabilities, or aging-related concerns. It goes beyond mere functionality; it’s a testament to inclusivity and equal opportunity. Here’s...
by Hima Voore | Oct 17, 2022 | Accessible Bathrooms, Elderly Bathrooms
As we age, the normal daily routines that we take for granted when we are younger start to require more effort and we often choose to drop those that we deem less essential or at least perform them less regularly or less thoroughly. Personal hygiene habits are often...
by Hima Voore | Sep 22, 2021 | Accessible Bathrooms, Elderly Bathrooms
Preparing for a future with Motor Neurone Disease Did you know that in the UK roughly two in every 100,000 are affected by Motor Neurone Disease (MND) every year, with approximately 5,000 living with it at any one time? The prospect of gradually losing control of...