At EA Mobility, we are always focussed on providing the best service for our customers. That’s why we’ve put together this handy guide to the Disabled Facilities Grant which explains what it is, who is eligible and how to apply for it as well as some other frequently asked questions.


What is the Disabled Facilities Grant?

The Disabled Facilities Grant could be provided to you by your local authority to help adapt part of your home. This could be to widen doors and install ramps or to improve access to rooms and facilities, for example, having your bathroom adapted to make it more accessible.


Am I Eligible?

You or someone living in the property must be disabled.

Either you or the person you’re applying for must:

  • Own the property or be a tenant
  • Intend to live in the property during the grant period (which is currently 5 years)

Landlords can also apply for the grant if they have a disabled tenant living in the property

The council needs to be happy that the work is:

  • Necessary and appropriate to meet the disabled person’s needs
  • Reasonable and can be done – depending on the age and condition of the property

Note: You might not get the grant if you start work on the property before the council approves your application.


How can I apply?

Simply visit and enter your UK postcode. This should provide you with your local council’s contact details and a link to their website for more information.

The council may send an occupational therapist round to see you. They’ll check your circumstances and see what changes you need.


Can I apply for it on behalf of my disabled child?

Yes – disabled children under the age of 18 can get a grant without their parents’ income being considered. Contact your local council for more information.


How much money will I receive if eligible?

How much you will get depends on your:

  • Household income
  • Household savings over £6,000


Does the amount of money I’ll receive differ depending on where I live?

Yes – it does differ depending on where you live in the UK.


England: Up to £30,000

Wales: Up to £36,000

Northern Ireland: Up to £25,000


How will I be paid?

You will be paid either:

  • In instalments as the work progresses
  • In full when the work is finished

The council may pay the contractor directly or give you a cheque to pass onto them. This will be agreed with you when they approve your application.


When will I be paid?

You will be paid either:

  • When the council is happy with the work
  • When you give the council the invoice, demand, or receipt payment from the contractor


What if a relative is doing the work for me?

Normally, if you or a relative does the work the council will only accept invoices for materials or services you’ve bought.


What should I do next?

If you’re interested in applying for the grant simply visit and enter your UK postcode. This should provide you with your local council’s contact details and a link to their website for more information.