EA Mobility and Which 6th Anniversary

WHICH? Trusted Traders

Which? Trusted Traders is an endorsement scheme that recognises reputable traders in the home improvement sector. At EA Mobility, we are extremely proud to be endorsed as a Which? Trusted Trader. It is a key element of our offering to all our clients as it reaffirms our client-centric approach and ensures we maintain our high standards for every project we take on.

To become endorsed by Which? Trusted Traders, we had to complete a thorough assessment process like all other endorsed traders. This involved a credit report, customer reference checks and a visit from a Which? Trusted Traders trading standards professional.

Our endorsement means that we have agreed to abide by the details in the Code of Conduct. This provides an extra layer of security and ensures that we are following best practice and procedures in relation to how we handle: consumer contracts; goods and materials; taxes; consumer cancellation rights; payments; guarantees and warranties; insurance complaints; and other areas.

Adapt the bathroom
Installation of walk in shower
Mobility for your bathroom needs.
Removal of bath and installation of walk in shower
wet room installed for disabled
easy-access bath fitted
Bathroom and downstairs toilet rebuild
Walk in tub
New walk in shower
Wet room put in